Release, Relax, Repeat
Put Your Body
In The
Right Hands
If you're looking for a nice pleasurable massage you have came to the right site. Be prepared to Release AND Relax as you feel the unpleasantness of your body being drifted away from hands that were meant for the job! You can come to my location or services can come to you for your convenience IS top priority, as well as professionalism. Zayid's Masseuse has grown to be a legacy, come put your body in the right hands for the experience you'll love
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Benefits Of A Massage:
Alleviate low-back and improve range of motion
Reduce spasms and cramping
Lessen depression and anxiety
Exercise and stretch weak, tight or atrophied muscles
Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and Stretch Marks!
Relieve migraine pain
Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles
Swedish Massage Therapy
The standard type of massage offered in most clinics, gyms, spas, and wellness centers. While based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology- Swedish massages are more common in Asian forms of massage!
Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
A focused, therapeutic massage that targets muscle adhesions(also known as knots) and specific problem areas in the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Using soft, slow strokes or friction across the grain of the muscle- this addresses Chronic tight, painful, strain or even Injuries.
Shaitsu Massage Therapy
A form of Japanese bodywork, shaitsu involves localized pressure using the fingers(sometimes hands or elbows), applied in a rhythmic sequence along the body.
Reflex Massage Therapy
Even though it comes off as an awesome foot massage it is much indeed deeper than that. Reflexology can help to clear any channels of blocked energy through moving the flow of blood, nutrients and nerve impulses to ultimately improve overall health and balance.